4 min readOct 11, 2021

NYSC CHRONICLES: Mixed Feelings (segment II )

Is NYSC a waste of time or Nah?

If you came here from Instagram let me hear you say hey-hey! If you came here from the previous segment of #kopawhichway let me see your hands ✋inna di ear (air). Hey! watch the ceiling fan, You, Yes you! I know you missed the first segment of #kopawhichway but don’t get too sad yet. You can catch up here. There you go: https://link.medium.com/PVDJ75kwbkb

Let’s see if these answers In today’s segment will neutralise the bitter-sweet taste the previous segment left on your taste buds.

Hi precious

Tell us, what was/has been your best experience at your PPA?

My experience has been good. At least I studied Library and information science and I was posted to the library. I can still relate well to all that they do there.

What were the biggest challenges you faced/facing at your PPA as an NYSC corp member ?

Hmmmmmm, this is a deep question. Nysc posted me to Crescent University Library for my PPA. I have three major challenges in my PPA.

The first is that it is a Muslim university and it is expected of everyone to cover their hairs in which I was not comfortable with. Also I can’t wear some clothes like trousers because it is not allowed in the school.

The second challenge was that they are underpaying us. The work I do there is more than the 7k they are paying. Plus the school lacks staff so they use corpers to cover up.

The third challenge is that the money they promised to pay corpers, they don’t pay it on time. Sometimes it will pass the middle of the following month.

Lastly, they didn’t provide accommodation for us so, had to rent a place which took my money and they didn’t support us with it

What was your worst camp experience ?

I had no worst camp experience like that but the only thing I didn’t enjoy was them forcing all of us to go for social night. I fathomed that it should be made less compulsory.

Do you think the NYSC program is a waste of time ?

I really wish Nysc can post people to their desired organization because NYSC post most people to schools to teach in which after Nysc most organization we apply to will require 2-3 years experience as per fresh graduate.

So I sincerely desire that Nysc can post people according to their line of career not just throwing us to schools to be used.

I don’t feel Nysc is a waste of time if people are posted to their desired organization of interest.Plus it’s a way of uniting Nigerians together. Regardless of tribe and religion.

What was your best camp experience ?

My camp experience was awesome. I camped in Sokoto. I went by road and we had no issues on the road though some experienced hitch on the road sha. The camp experience was awesome and I was able to meet people from different geo political zones in Nigeria. Also I enjoyed every of our Morning drills especially our Man o war drills.

What was/has been your worst experience at your NYSC PPA?

My worst experience in my PPA was when I was closing by 6pm and I had to go on Saturday.Plus the excessive work I do especially when NUC Accreditation is coming up.

Where there opportunities that were available to you as a corp member, that ordinarily you wouldn’t have ? If yes kindly tell us about it/them please

The only opportunity I can say that was available to me was the opportunity to travel outside of my state to the northern state because literally I wouldn't have imagined myself going to the north because of what is happening in Nigeria.

Also, I have been able to build great relationship with people though I could have done that normally but it was different because I had to meet different people from different ethnic groups in Nigeria.

I think that’s all I can remember.

Hmmm, another intense #kopafession as well as a satisfying read. Precious poured out her heart on this one. If I were to take a survey I’m 120% per cent sure that a humongous number of you would admit that you’d also like for NYSC to post corners to PPAs that are in line with their field of study.

I wouldn’t be surprised also to find that some of you would rather be posted to your place of intrest. Whichever way it is, I’m sure that you learnt a thing or two from this segment of #kopawhichway. Looking forward to the next segment of #kopawhichway which might or might not be the last.

Hold your breath till you find out.😂


Jenny, Jennifer Ugwoke

For the Content team at UPFOLIO.


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